my grandmother of 76 years old got married. Never too old to find happiness! I drove home early in the morning and spent my time running around trying to find white tights, gray leggings, white leggings, anything!
Three different store and three different purchases later, I found out my sister owns just what I was looking for. Such a relief…but at the same time frustrating.
It was a treat to see my extended family all dressed up and in one place; an infrequent occurrence. Unfortunately it was quite the rainy and blustery day, and the wedding was planned to be outside. Many of my cousins took part in the ceremony and it turned out beautiful. The string quartet and solo my cousin performed made me long for my violin. I miss my little musical friend and escape from the world!
I had a lovely time eating inside with my aunt and uncle from Cali. The food was uh-may-zing! I was especially amused by my itty bitty sister who is in COLLEGE. What?! I was unaware how much I would miss her until U of M took her away. Luckily she came back after her first couple weeks in one piece. Phew. Why must my favorite people live so far away? Ok, I guess it is not fair to pick favs… and I do get to live across the hall from one of my top people J I’ll stop complaining.
After being goofier than two 5 year olds at a picnic, Claire and I I played my cousins electric violin. Recalling Party in Third Class (my favorite 5th grade song. Yes- from Titanic) from memory, was more rewarding than you would think. My personal triumph that I too am a musician- just unrecognized by my father’s side of the family. Wow, what has gotten into me? Jade must have passed on some of her tantrumental attitude on me.
Only later on did I remember the significance of 9/11. Quick side story, if you have not yet watched the movie “Remember Me,” you should. I cried like a baby. 9/11 has a whole new significance to me, and for that I feel guilty of being less sensitive in years preceding. Sorry to give it away. Ugh, that movie breaks my heart.
I’ll let the pics speak for themselves. Sorry for the ramble! (I am here in a coffee shop in Holland, passing time until work… 1 month later).
Oh yes, one more thing; is not this girl and her precious curls enough to live and die for? Gives me goose bumps.
My wonderful father. I tried cropping out that persons hair... I need photoshop |
^me on my new bed! I made my mom take me to Big Lots so I could pay for my new bed before the sale was over. Sooo excited! (my current bed is terrrrrible)
Oh yes, and thank you Kp for contributing to my outfit :) I got a sea of compliments!