Friday, October 29, 2010

downtown scavenger hunt

Friday September 17th
Shiny came to visit! We went downtown for a scavenger hunt with campus ministry. People were starting to set stuff up for Art Prize so it was especially fun to walk around downtown. I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves :)

Okay quick story... see this picture here? Very cool. Grand Rapids has carriage rides at night that tour the river and part of the city. I was being snap happy so I wanted a picture of this romantic endeavor (although the people were random). As the carriage passed us, the woman was crying and the man, holding a ring. I took the picture moments before, as he was asking her the big question! AHHHH! I love a good proposal story. Even better for me, an awesome picture story! I wish the picture would have turned out more cleary, and I wish I could contact the people and say "Hey, I have a picture of your proposal!" I guess spontoneity is part of the beauty of photography.

p.s. These shoes are not mine, although I wish they were :)

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