Friday, October 1, 2010

I run my life or is it running me...

 [Thurs 9]
 Although this day was long ago, I clearly remember bursting out of bed early in the morning. Not a usual event for me! I left my window open all night and the instant the sun began to rise I was wide awake. I took one glance outside and saw that the sun rise was beautiful, so I ran outside like a little kid on Christmas morning (do kids run outside? No. But you know what I mean). Sometimes I get anxiety that I will have nothing to take a picture of so the instant I see something beautiful, I am camera ready! What a silly thing.... Anyway, with PJ's and bare feet, I snapped this photo and left the impression of insanity on my roomie and neighbors. Oh well.

 Physics lab was canceled due to the uneven week. In celebration, I decided to cook my most elaborate and favorite dish ever, eggplant parmesan. It is to die for! I spent all afternoon prepping the eggplant and making homemade marinara. YUM YUM YUM! Okay quick funny story- I am a terrible speller and misspelled "marinara." I was typing on Microsoft Word due to crappy internet connection and accidentally corrected it to Marijuana. Ahahaha. How awful.

 Beautiful colors!

My perfectionism and other stresses I won’t mention, led to a mini break down. Good thing I have my Ellen! She prescribed me a good run. We did a lovely 3 mile loop around the cornfields of Allendale. Ughhh running out here at night is UH-MAZING!!! You could see every star. The cool breeze was perfect, and there was little traffic. My lazy self forgets how good running is. 

(Good news to all, I am not crazy! I have just had to give in an accept the fact that PMS is real...)

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