Sunday, May 16, 2010

Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah

Lol my title is actual me singing a Spring Awakening song! Go figure : P But seriously- yesterday was a very blah day. Day like 5 of having a headache. GRRRR. and there was a bit of chaos in the Gersabeck household. Let's just say some people were in a "mood".....
I was feeling pretty down and was watching tv online all day. This new show that airs on Hulu called "If I Can Dream," I am obsessed with! One of the girls on the show said she had just gotten back from her morning run so I clicked out of my internet page and decided that is what I needed to do. I just went on a quick run around my neighborhood but it felt good! When I got back I played with Lewis, my dog, for a bit and  before coming in I picked this lovely bouquet of flowers. Mood fixed! yay :)
Later that night, Kaitlin, Kat and I went to Allies. She is moving soon! So sad :'(. Just to Birmingham, but still, we had so many good/crazy memories in that house. We baked lemon bars (no pic sorry!) and ate strawberries in cream. yum yum yum! Allie and i stayed up ALL NIGHT talking. It was so nice and just what I needed : D. We started cracking up at like 7 am and we woke up Kp by accident. oops. All for now! <3

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