Monday, May 31, 2010

Indian River

Saturday morning, Kaitlin and I woke up early to leave for up north. We were going to spend the weekend with her Aunt at her cabin on Burt Lake in Indian River. I love it up there! After a good three hour drive, we stopped for lunch. We got to eat outside, yay!
As soon as we got to the house, we threw our bathing suits on and laid on her Aunt's dock (lots of sunscreen!). We accomplished a lot our first day. We took the kayaks out for about and hour and then went for a run. We ran 1 1/2 miles down the road and walked back on a path that runs along the lake, in the yards of all the lake houses. It was so cool! I did not have my camera with me unfortunately. Sometimes it is better to just live in the moment instead of constantly trying to document it! We found a lilac bush still in bloom and decided to bring some back for the house. Note to the world: Diet Snapple ice tea is the best!

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