Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Unending love, Amazing Grace

Not only do I love the song amazing grace, but it always reminds me of my beautiful niece Grace and I get a little choked up. I won't go into too much gushy detail about how dearly I LOVE my nieces and what a blessing they are to me, but if you are reading this, you should already know! Well I got to wake up to this beautiful face on Tuesday morning.
Instantly my day was a good day! She cuddled with me in bed for a while and then we played with her toys and under the covers. Simple things with little kids are the best; like sharing a bowl of Lucky Charms. I rarely get to spend time with just Grace alone because her and Jade come as a pair, but Jade was in school. I have this incredible bond with Jayden because I saw her almost everyday as a baby and she lived with me for a long time, I feel like her second mother! I love every second I get to spend with Grace because we get that much closer. I was trying to teach her to say all the different colors. She is very quiet but incredibly smart!
It is so funny how attached Grace is to my dad. Every two seconds she is asking about Papa and she is so happy around him. Being an aunt is the best!
Later in the afternoon I went to Kaitlin's house and we took Morgan on a walk. No matter what, Kaitlin and I always have meaningful conversation. I appreciate my friends at home almost more than anything. :) We then headed over to Erika's where Kaitlyn Campbell and Allie were. We made strawberry banana smoothies and brownies. Yum! Kat came over later. We all sat in the kitchen and talked for a while. I started getting stressed because they were talking about work... yikes! I am worried that I won't be able to make everyone happy at work ALL of the time, and that is hard when you work with you best friends. For the most part, Tuesday was a very good day : D

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