Friday, August 13, 2010


2 things to celebrate right now:

#1 I am updating about today!!! I do not need to write in what day it is lol
#2 this is my 100th post!!!! BIG DEAL =] I had a goal to write about everyday so that I can remember the simple things that make me happy and so far I have. This is by far the longest I have stuck to my guns about keeping a "journal" type thing.

So TODAY (in big exaggerated letters because I am happy I am caught up!) I spent the day at the McCracken's with Kaitlyn Campbell. Erika had her Ohio family in to visit, so there were lots of friendly faces and of course good food. We layed in the sun and were joined by our new 4 year old friend, Ella. She was so cute! I never thought I'd meet a 4yr old with more attitude than Jade, but I did! It made me miss her lol.

We went out on the Jetski's which was pretty much therapy for my mood. I had been bumming all day about my boy crazy issues. It is silly of me to let my emotions do that- but I think all girls do. We want what we can't have.
When we were out on the lake- I had a flash back to when I was riding in the ocean with Erika when we went to Cozumel. It made me think about how thankful I am for my friends. No matter what I go through- whether it be family issues, boy craziness, going away to school, or even me being a big huge brat- one thing always stays constant, and that is my girls. Stupid fights aside- we always find our way back to each other. God must really know what he is doing. We don't live with friends forever because we would drive each other nuts and we don't fully love each other because we would break each others hearts. Friends are for the in between stuff, the messy stuff, and the stuff that no one else will put up with. So today's thing that makes me happy is the constancy of friendship. I was comforted by the fact that who I was with was not going anywhere, and that allowed me to forget my stupid troubles.

Back at Erika's house, we played a pretty intense game of water volleyball with her family. I wish I could have gotten a picture of that! I am terrible- but that made it all the more funny. Oh dear. The rest of my night was me updating my blog. It is officially up to date! :D


  1. Congrats on 100 posts and having the ability to stick with something!
    Too bad 'stay hungry. stay foolish' died at the early age of 13. This blogging stuff is hard work (for some reason that came out in a southern accent in my head). Good job, clo!

  2. thanks girl! I love comments :) makes me feel happy that SOMEONE reads. Blogging is hard work- but it is stress relieving for sure. I look forward to coming home and having a good blog session lol. Maybe at school you can start again because I am going to revive all your dying goals :D you can blog with me!!
