Monday, August 30, 2010


[Sat 21] started out with early morning inservice. LG competition, woooot! I bought everyone Tim-bits which were delish. :) The park was pretty slow so I got to go home early. Good thing because Erika invited me to dinner with her fam!
Just before I left work, Kat found an injured bird. He flew into the office, hit a window and fell onto a desk. I think he broke a wing :( We named him Everett, and I took him home. My plan was to help him till his wing could heal, but my mom was not a fan of keeping him in the house. I put him outside in his box and when I came home he was gone. I like to think that he escaped and is happily flying somewhere right now lol
Dinner with Erika's fam was so nice! We ate at Andiamo for Drew's birthday. I love her family :) I have not eaten so much good food in a long time! Jaimie and I split Creme Brulee. I felt rude taking a picture but now I am sad that I didn't!
Drew and Jaimie
My second parents :)
Daddy's girl
All my friends had parties to go to Saturday night and I was just not in the mood lol. I stayed at Erika's and played Balderdash with her family. That shows you how much I love them! It was soooo funny! We had to make up definitions to odd words, descriptions to movie titles, or strange laws. My favorite word was Liripoop; the tassle on a college grads cap. Fun fact for the day haha. I thought putting that as my title might engage people to read.... No worries people, my lengthy entries will be coming to an end. School has started and I am going to be a busy busy girl!
Last stop of the night was at Jared's. His dad was having his annual big party, Deanstock, and I went to go see Kaitlin for a bit. Fun, but I would still choose playing games with family over a party any night!

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