Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Dance Dance

[Sat 24]
I was in the silliest mood after in service! It was fun watching everyone do the team bonding game I put together, and then we did deep water spinals in the rain. Fun fun. No one showed up to the park  for a long time so we all goofed around for a bit and got to do busy work. I went home early- around 12ish, which was so nice! I took a nice loooong nap.

My parents left to go to a wedding in Traverse City so Claire and I took advantage of the nice empty house. We had a DDR competiton which was toooo funny! I am pretty terrible at that game, which mad it all the more entertaining. We decided to change it to work out mode- and went until we hit 2 miles. I was dying!

Afterward we watched Shutter Island. Very odd movie.... I did not like the ending very much, but I suppose it was still entertaining. Earlier in the night I took pictures of the pretty sunset :)

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