Wednesday, August 4, 2010

work work work

Monday and Tuesday were pretty much the same day- work all day! I am failing at trying to find one thing that makes me happy every day. Work is not bad- I just go on auto pilot and forget everything that has happened by the end of the day. Oops...
Well Tuesday night I had a pleasant surprise of Grace and Karla coming over. I rarely see just Grace by herself. I feel bad for kids that are not 1st born because no matter what, they are overshadowed by their siblings. I need to work harder to give her more attention, because I don't realize that she does have a lot of personality that I never get to see when Jade is around!
We wrestled a bit and read some books. She loved Curious George. She says George like "Jor?" It is soo cute!I think 2 yrs old is the best age ever. Maybe not for parents, but at least for an Aunt. I get to see her adorableness and when she gets "terrible," I can hand her back :D hehehehe.
Im just kidding. Poor baby has been getting hives though- that is why her eye is sort of red and poofy :(

oh P.S. I forgot about this little guy :P He was eating in my front yard before I left for work. Is he not the cutest thing ever? ahahaha


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